Sprite 1984 - 1993
Sprite 1984 - 1993.iso
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168 lines
% LaTeX tgrind environment
% Based on Van Jacobson's ``tgrindmac'', a macro package for TeX grinding
% Our job here is to simplify it quite a bit and make it conform to LaTeX
% Stuff we ignore for right now.
% Each formfeed in the input is replaced by a "\NewPage" macro. If
% you really want a page break here, define this as "\vfill\eject".
% Each line of the program text is enclosed by a "\L{...}". We turn
% each line into an hbox of size hsize. If we saw a procedure name somewhere
% in the line (i.e., "procbox" is not null), we right justify "procbox"
% on the line. Every 10 lines we output a small, right justified line number.
\def\L##1{\par\hbox to\hsize{\CF\strut\global\advance\linecount by1
\def\linebox{\ifnum\linecount>\linenext\global\advance\linenext by10
% The following weirdness is to deal with tabs. "Pieces" of a line
% between tabs are output as "\LB{...}". E.g., a line with a tab at
% column 16 would be output as "\LB{xxx}\Tab{16}\LB{yyy}". (Actually, to
% reduce the number of characters in the .tex file the \Tab macro
% supplies the 2nd & subsequent \LB's.) We accumulate the LB stuff in an
% hbox. When we see a Tab, we grab this hbox (using "\lastbox") and turn
% it into a box that extends to the tab position. We stash this box in
% "\linesofar" & use "\everyhbox" to get \linesofar concatenated onto the
% front of the next piece of the line. (There must be a better way of
% doing tabs [cf., the Plain.tex tab macros] but I'm not not enough of a
% TeX wizard to come up with it. Suggestions would be appreciated.)
\def\Tab##1{\setbox\tbox=\lastbox\TBwid=1\wd\tbox\advance\TBwid by 1\ts
\setbox\linesofar=\hbox to ##1\ts{\box\tbox\hfil}\fi\LB}
% A normal space is too thin for code listings. We make spaces & tabs
% be in "\ts" units (which are the width of a "0" in the current font).
\setbox\tbox=\hbox{0} \ts=1\wd\tbox \setbox\tbox=\hbox{\hskip 1\ts}
\def\space{\hskip 1\ts\relax}
% Font changing stuff for keywords, comments & strings. We put keywords
% in boldface, comments in text-italic & strings in typewriter. Since
% we're usually changing the font inside of a \LB macro, we remember the
% current font in \CF & stick a \CF at the start of each new box.
% Also, the characters " and ' behave differently in comments than in
% code, and others behave differently in strings than in code.
\def\K##1{{\bf ##1}} % Keyword
\def\C{\it\global\let\CF=\it\global\commenttrue\relax} % Comment Start
\def\CE{\rm\global\let\CF=\rm\global\commentfalse\relax}% Comment End
\def\S{\tt\global\let\CF=\tt\global\stringtrue\relax} % String Start
\def\SE{\rm\global\let\CF=\rm\global\stringfalse\relax} % String End
% Special characters.
\def\_{\ifstring{\char'137}\else\underbar{\ }\fi}
\raggedright\obeyspaces%\let =\space%
% * optional
% FLOAT float options
% FILE reads LaTeXgrind input in file FILE
% CAPTION for list of figures
% LABEL for \ref and \pageref
\vskip .5\baselineskip
\input #2\relax
\vskip .5\baselineskip plus .5\baselineskip
\vskip 2pt
\vskip .5\baselineskip
\input #2\relax
\vskip .5\baselineskip plus .5\baselineskip
\vskip 2pt
\vskip .5\baselineskip
\input #1\relax
\vskip .5\baselineskip